
1. Deadlines are a set date which a project or an assignment is due on that same day and no later in time.
2. If i miss out on a deadline i will be behind in my assignments and on top of that my teacher might not accept it since it is now late and will be graded more harshly.
3. Yes i have had troubles making the deadline in my English class last semester due to being behind in the book i couldn't do the project and so all those homework assignments became late and my teacher gave me half the credit for them and didn't receive full credit and almost failed the 6 weeks.
 4. Yes i usually dose off and stay off topic so then i can't finish my work on time and then the deadline comes along and i have nothing to turn in.

1. Make a to-do list
2. Keep your work with you
3. Don't be afraid to say no
4. Find your productive time
5. Create a dedicated study time
6. Budget your time
7. Don't get sidetracked
8. Get a good night's sleep

2. The hardest one for me to do is "Don't get sidetracked" because I always does off and never want to finish my work and prioritize other things above work.
3. I'm a night person
3a. My mom wants me to sleep around 10 everyday and i'm most productive at night so there is very little work i can do during this period of time.
4. I can start my work around 7pm everyday and work at it till 10 which is 3 hours and I can finish everything in around 2 and still have an hour to study for everything.
5. I could put my phone in a different room to keep me from using it, I could listen to calming music to help me focus. and I could also use my time wisely and try not to dose off.

1. Yes there is because managing all your homework will help your use of time management by a tremendous amount.
2. In my living room table with some music that i can listen to with the lights dimmed and no noise around.
3. Talking to my friends and wanting to hang with them are the biggest distractions.
4. I could do all my work first then hang with them, I could limit my time with them and put schoolwork in front, and finally do my work all in one day to hangout the next day or the following days.


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