Funny Quotes

 Mrs. Beverly, a 100 year old lady who is still smoking and lights her cigarette with her candles for her 100th birthday. She is currently thinking she's still living her life as a young women who smokes at 100. Mrs. Beverly has been doing this for a awhile now and she's still having fun with it.

Mr. Rogers over here getting all the girls no matter his old age of 90. He has been doing this for his entire life and he's still rocking it. Mr. Rogers has been talking to Lisa for a month now and he's finally managed to snag her.

Once amigos always amigos says Ian to Nick as they are 15,000 feet above in the air. They have known each other for about 50 years now and they're still rocking it together. Now they have officially done everything together since skydiving was the last thing on their bucket list.


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